Hydrogen Peroxide with KI

Okay. Today's exam iiiiis Chemistry 3! Will depart to school at like, ten or smth. If I come early, no one would be there anyway. And I'd be like, alone. 

I just wanna ask, how do we differentiate Lead with Aluminium anyway? Like, the results of the reactions between the two cations with both reagents (NaOH and aq ammonia) are the same! But yeah. Guess lead won't be it since it never came out. Is it even included in the syllabus. Oh god what if it does come out?! Please don't come out lead! Just stay in your cozy habitat and sleep til the end of the day. Alright then. Wish me luck! 

If redox reaction does come out, it'd be cool to try the above experiment, don't you think? 


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