Something to ponder upon

Assalamu'alaikum brothers & sisters. 

Little incidents with any significance had happened for the past few days. However, today I was meeting my uncle who had offered to teach Islamic lessons. He had asked me to meet him to discuss his lesson plans and it was eye-opening, in a way.

He offered to teach a 6-to-7-years (altho we can extend up to twenty years if we like) course - studying kitab-kitab Hadith and also Feqh. 

He said he would be teaching in Arabic so our Arabic has to be good. Altho he did say that in the beginning, he would allow us to speak in Malay. But after awhile, he won't rlly pay attention to those who aren't speaking in Arabic. 

Anyway he told us that he would be teaching Kitab As-Sittah (for those who studied Mustalah Hadith shud know this) which are books written by the six imams - Bukhari, Muslim, Termizi, Abu Daud, Ibnu Majal & Nawawi. Well, not exactly teaching. He would ask us to read by ourselves (most of the books don't have tasykeel so we would have to prepare prior to the classes with him) and he would just listen and correct us. Afterwards he would explain what the contexts in the books mean. 

The best part? No examinations. No certificates. No recognition or whatsoever. Now why would that be the best part when joining this course could not provide you a degree? Or a job? Or any kind of benefits in this world? 

Brothers and sisters, without those distractions that could contaminate your purpose of studying, it's easier to set your reason for studying these sacred knowledge for Allah SWT and for Allah alone. 

Still, I hesitated bcos I wanted to go to the UK and this course would take seven years. He stressed on the fact that we would have to give this course our full commitment. We would have to constantly read the books, absorb them. We would have to make it our routines. But going to the UK would not allow me to do so bcos well, it's not in Brunei (duh) and his classes would be here. 

When I voiced this out to him, he said it doesn't matter what my aim is. I can get my degree, I can my master, a job, whatever, as long as during the nights, I read Hadith with him. BUT if I want to go overseas, then don't take it. Simple as that. 

He even asked why I wanted to go there. He said why Brunei is sending the best students to other countries - non-muslim countries even.

The ones with outstanding results are thrown to the non-muslim countries, to train them to be doctors, engineers. All of them for Dunya. And the ones that are left behind are studying to be teachers. The best should've been the teachers! The best should teach the new generations to produce the best generations!

Those average students are sent to fulfill the conquest of spreading knowledge, to fulfill what Allah SWT had ordered us! Why are we not giving Allah our best? Why do we give him our average? Why? 

And the Islamic lessons in universities, both in Brunei and other countries, they only teach arnd 15% (!!!!!) of the knowledge of Hadith. What is going on here! 

In era of Rasulullah (PBUH), the best are asked to seek knowledge and when they are qualified, they are asked to spread it. The ones left are asked to be engineers, doctors, etc. The best ones are asked to be TEACHERS! Teachers are supposed to be smarter, better than all other professions! Because they are the ones who gave knowledge to doctors, engineers, etc! SO WHY ARE THE BEST AMONG US SENT TO BECOME MINISTERS, DOCTORS, ETC THAT ONLY BENEFITS DUNYA? 

There are lots of graduates, lots of masters, lots of PhDs but NONE OF THEM ARE 'ULAMA. NONE. If you look at the lecturers for Islamic studies, they are mostly foreigners! What is up with that. Why do we have to import scholars from different countries to teach our kids! Where are the Bruneian scholars! WHERE ARE THEY

It is not wrong to study sciences. But as muslims, we NEED to study about our religion more. It is more essential that we send the best among us to seek and spread knowledge, like what happened in Zaman Rasulullah & Sahabah. And you wonder why Islam is being oppressed nowadays. Why Islam is not mighty today. Why Islam is not influential today. Blame ourselves and not the non-muslims! We are the ones who are neglecting our religion's knowledge! How can we beat them? How can we beat them without knowledge! We hear everywhere that knowledge is power but why do we keep neglecting our Islamic studies!

Masha Allah, Nastaghfirullah.. What he said, was I felt so ashamed I...wasn't able to form any sorta thoughts on it. It was just so clear and so shameful it's suffocating. 

So he said to me, he never taught girls before and now that he's getting older, he wants to teach girls. So that we can teach other girls. Bcos he said, it is so hard to find knowledgable females on Islamic studies. Which is true. Cuz even tho there are a lot of female teachers here that teaches Islamic studies but only a few really understands what Islam is all about. Only a few teaches Islam for the sake of Allah. Only a few teaches Islam and does not feel bound to any type of examinations. Altho I haven't met any, which is very heartbreaking.

Although I probably know that lots of people (teachers, especially) will be offended when they read this but if the traits do not apply to them, they should not be offended. Because learning and teaching for the sake of Allah should not make you crave for credits. Just His approval and love. 

Although I do apologize to whoever feels offended but take into consideration that we, the Islamic community now, are in need of eligible teachers to teach Islamic lessons.

So this cycle of sending the best to study Dunya needs to stop somewhere. Let's try and stop it together, yeah? Give Allah the best ones and in shaa Allah, He will give the muslims victory once more. Aameen Ya Rabb. 

I shall leave you with an excerpt from The Holy Quran 

Til next post, Assalamu'alaikum. ♥ 

Preparations for Hari Raya

Assalamu'alaikum visitors! 

Ramadhan's ending and I can only pray that we will meet it again next year and that we have benefited it adequately. 

Speaking of the near farewell to Ramadhan, lots of articles out there are telling on how we should decorate our house, bake our cookies, etc to prepare for hari raya ('eid). However, I have yet to see articles (yes maybe there are some out there) telling us how to prepare our Imaan and servitude for Allah SWT for this celebration. Altho I'm not particularly excited for eid, I do think it's ideal to prepare for it. 

So one of the common problems muslims face in eid is the greeting sessions where you shake hands among yourselves. It's disappointing to see people abandoning the rules of Allah on how we should not touch certain people, no matter how comfortable you are around them. Allah has spoken on this matter in the Holy Quran (24:31).

To all my brothers and sisters, here are the lists of people you are ALLOWED to touch and thus shake hands with. 

  1. Among men themselves
  2. Mothers (and above - grandmothers, great grandmothers, etc) 
  3. Your wives' mothers
  4. Wives
  5. Daughters (Step daughters included but NOT fosters) 
  6. Sisters (in-laws NOT included) 
  7. Aunts, grandaunts (and above) by blood ONLY (pls do remember that aunts and greataunts by marriage are NOT included) 
  8. Your siblings' daughters (the daughters from your wives' siblings are NOT included)
  9. Women and children with no sexual desires
  1. Among women themselves 
  2. Fathers (and above - grandfathers, etc)
  3. Your husbands' fathers
  4. Husbands
  5. Sons (Step sons included but NOT fosters)
  6. Brothers (in-laws NOT included)
  7. Uncles, granduncles (and above) by blood ONLY (pls do remember that uncles and granduncles by marriage are NOT included) 
  8. Your siblings' sons (the sons from your husbands' siblings are NOT included) 
  9. Men and children with no sexual desires
Those are the only people that you CAN touch skin-to-skin. Other than them, pls refrain from touching them unless in danger.

Do not be afraid to hurt their feelings, for it is Allah that you have to please. Which would you rather do? Anger Allah SWT and face the consequences in the hereafter, or hurt your relatives for the sake of Allah? Besides, if you reject a handshake for the sake of Allah (ofcourse please do it politely by putting your hands on your chests and giving a slight bow), if He wills, he will protect you from any harm (including hurting His other servants). So please, do not hesitate and do not be afraid to reject handshakes. Furthermore, accepting handshakes from people you're not supposed to will - not only earn you a sin - but the persons you are shaking hands with are also sinning. So if you love your relatives and yourself, protect them and yourself from doing what Allah SWT hates. 

Another heartbreaking problems would be the Aurat. It is ofcourse easier for men to cover theirs as their aurat only consists of areas between their belly buttons to their knees. However, it is difficult for them (most of them, atleast) to refrain from looking at women's aurat

Now for women, many are confused or simply ignorant on which area our aurat actually is. So let me get this thing clear. 

It is actually really simple. We, women, MUST cover our ENTIRE BODY except for our FACE and our PALMS (both back and front). 

Now what does that mean? It means, NO YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EXPOSE YOUR
  1. ARMS (so please wear some handsocks if your sleeves aren't long enuf, or you just want to be safe in case the sleeves roll up involuntarily)
  2. NECKS (so please make sure your hijab or shawl's not exposing your necks. Pin them together if you have to) 
  3. CHESTS as in breasts (so please refrain from wearing hijab or shawls that are too short) 
  4. FEET (so please wear some socks ok. It does not matter if you're wearing high heels and you're afraid you'll slip. Give up heels, not socks. 
Also, you need to cover the shape of your body too, okay? So pls don't make your clothes too tight. And don't make em translucent as well, okay? Please? 

As for make-up, I'm sure you are all aware of this (SO PLS DO NOT NEGLECT IT), you cannot by any means wear excessive make-up. You may wear it if your husbands allow you too and for the unmarried ones, your purpose of wearing make-up MUST NOT be to beautify yourselves for attention and praises. But ofcourse you can only wear it in minority.

And perfume for women. Just please use it enough to eliminate body odour. Okay? It ain't that hard not to use it too much. 

And the most important thing regarding aurat is PROTECT YOUR SIGHT (lower it okay, if people think you're rude, apologize and explain why you're doing so) no matter if you're a man or a woman. So please, let us practice these rules for it is for our own safety that Allah had issued them.

And then there are the prayers. This is THE most essential preparation for eid. I know that you're going to be walking alot, driving alot, eating alot, talking alot and other alots in the world but there is no excuse, ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for not performing the five prayers (unless ofcourse you have 'uzur syar'ie).

Bring your toothbrushes, extra underwears, telkongs and other necessities for prayers so DO NOT MAKE UP EXCUSES FOR NOT PERFORMING THEM.

"The guests just kept coming and I just can't get away to perform solat." 
Bring them, invite them to pray together. If they refuse, then you go ahead yourself. You live to please Allah SWT so do not disobey Him to please others. 

"It's hard to ablute in someone else's house." Ridiculous! Ask to go to the toilet. Ask them where to pray. Ask them, just ask. If they don't have any of the sort, well...impossible. What house wouldn't have toilets. 

"It's too burdensome, carrying telkong." Wearing telkong is not compulsory. If you are obeying Allah SWT's order on covering your aurat completely, you can just pray in those attires without wearing any telkong. Islam is easy, don't say it burdens you because of your laziness. 

"I'm too sweaty to pray." Please be reminded that sweat is not najis (something that prevents your prayer from being accepted). Although it is abit dirty so it's preferable if you take a shower or change your clothes BUT if that's too burdensome, you can just dry it out and ablute (wudhuk) then pray. By all means, do not leave your prayers just becos you're sweaty. 

"My clothes are dirty." 
If they are dirty because of a baby's pee (the baby has to be eating ONLY pure milk without sugar nor flour nor anything else), you can just sprinkle around that area. 

If they are dirty because of sth other than the above pee, dogs and pigs, wash the area until the colour, taste and smell of the dirt is there. If it's difficult to do so, you may just wash it (not sprinkle, wash)

In the end, it is your choice after all to do or not to do what Allah SWT had ordered us to do. They are easy to do, in shaa Allah, if you obey it for the sake of Allah. 

But remember, those who are performing 5 prayers regularly, covering their aurat, minding their chastity, etc are not guaranteed Jannah. What of those who neglect them? Subhanallah brothers & sisters, pls, before it's too late. 

Anyhow, I pray that all of you have become a better person throughout this holy month of Ramadhan and don't forget to istiqomah for the sake of Allah SWT. 

Wallahu A'lam. 

***** I know it seems like there are too many restrictions. But as I said, if you really seek Allah's pleasure, you won't see it as rules. You would see it as Allah's ways of making you safe. (now I won't indulge on how prayers and taking care of your chastity would achieve that or else it'll carry on and on and on until 1234567890 sentences) 

However, noting it briefly, praying fills in your time (so rather than you wasting time doing sth that's prolly gonna harm you like clubbing or sth, you pray) and mind you, I think lots of ppl know there are numerous advantages - spiritually & scientific - of praying. And taking care of your chastity? Well say goodbye to perverts & rapists. 

And lastly, I apologize if there are mistakes or shortcomings in this post. 

All the correct information are from Allah SWT and the wrong ones are from me. So may all of you benefit from the true ones. 

Until next time, Assalamu'alaikum. 

Arabic, language of the Quran & Jannah

Assalamu'alaikum readers!

So at the end of last month, I heard someone say that Arabic is an easy language. Easier than Malay & English, becos apparently, writing an M is abit of a stretch when compared to writing a qof, and then when writing a word, arabic letters have to be connected but roman letters don't have to. So Arabic is simpler.


I don't know if it's because I've been brought up in a society where romanised letters are everywhere and that her social upbringing was in the Arabian culture, but quite frankly I find roman letters easier to write than arabic.

But Masha Allah I think most people - if not all - people I know would agree with me when I say that Arabic is the most beautiful language ever created. Not because it's easy no, but because it's so complex it's fascinating.

Not only that it is the language of the Quran and the language we (Aameen it's a 'we') will speak in Jannah in shaa Allah, but the words in the language have a certain grammatical system that even the best Arabic scholars cannot completely fathom. Of course, lots of Arabic linguists are able to master this holy language. However, they fail to fully grasp the grammars as well as adequately interpreting the hidden meanings of the words in the Quran, for it contains the words of Allah and He alone holds the perfect knowledge about it.

I hate to compare Arabic with other languages for they fade miserably in comparison but I still like pointing out the reasons I see the language as the greatest language ever existed. 

I am aware that I am in no position to make judgment, seeing as I am neither a linguist nor a literary scholar. However, among all three languages I have been so lucky to learn, Arabic is by far the easiest yet the hardest language.

It's easy why? There is a system in Arabic. A system that is so organized and flawless it's quite easy to follow. Think of it like a syllabus. There are certain topics, certain formula for nouns, verbs, adverbs, etc. During my experience of studying English, more often than not the teachers would just delve into stories in English and would occasionally introduce a rule in English grammar. Well I do not know whether this only occurs at my school but even if there is a system in English as well, most of the words in English are irregular. For instance, there are two contradicting words that will have the same meaning when combined with other words (eg; fat chance & slim chance). As for Malay lessons? Well it's more organized than English but it's simple, too simple and general - I'd probably talk abt the 'why' later. If I don't, well you can google it or sth. 

But for Arabic lessons? It is so organized, that the titles or formulas for the words in Arabic are numerous and so scholars have divided it into three types of lessons: grammar, inner grammar (imagine it's like the nerves in a body, where the body is, well, Arabic grammar) and literature (ofcourse literature is divided into several parts but then English literature's probably divided into different types as well). 

Anyhow, the Arabic grammar is quite different than Malay, seeing as in Arabic, the words for men and women are different (the pronoun, verbs, nouns, adverbs, etc.) but in Malay? They're all the same, really. If you say a man is eating in Malay, you would say it exactly the same way if you were to describe a woman eating. In Arabic? Hoho, the pronoun (man or woman) would be different, the verb (eating)  will be different as well. The noun could be different, depending on the amount of food or the type of food (you know, like lunch or breakfast but then that's the same for most languages). Of course in the end, the meaning of the Arabic sentences would still be the same for men and women, you would just have to change the way of writing the words. 

Altho, Arabic grammar is almost similar to English, almost. They both have different singular pronouns for men and women, they both have different nouns for different amounts of things, etc. In fact, it is almost similar, most of the people with Malay, English & Arabic backgrounds find it easier to relate Arabic with English than they do with Malay. 

However, while the difference of pronouns between genders English is limited to only the singular ones, Arabic has different pronouns for both singular and plural (more than three), as well as when there are two. The difference in nouns for different amounts in English is also limited to singular and plural only - where plural means two and above - while in Arabic, the difference in nouns are divided into three - singular, two, more than three.

Because of these differences, we would be able to derive other forms of words - from verbs to nouns, adverbs, adjectives, etc - without memorizing them.

And it's hard why?
Obviously because there are so many restrictions and rules in Arabic I sometimes fail to articulate a quick sentence correctly. Arabic is also one of the few languages that does not contain vowels in script. Ofcourse there is a vowel in speech represented by dots (the old ones) and diacritics. (it'll be too much to explain what this means. However I welcome you to click on it to learn if you're interested. It's amazing, seriously). With even the slightest change in the vowels can switch the meaning of the word entirely. For instance:

ضُرِبَ مَالِك

Malik was hit.

ضَرِبَ مَالِك

Malik hit.

However, no matter how difficult the language is, it has contributed in its beauty. After all, Harry Potter (I'm sorry, I had to use this) wouldn't be famous if it's easy to write (which will undoubtedly be cliche and boring if it is), now would it? 

Of course I still very much love English and Malay but it is hard to ignore the superiority of Arabic among them. What I have said might not convince you - due to my apparent favouritism towards Arabic - but try checking in with qualified linguists. Of course they might be biased as well, but I assure you, you would appreciate the language if you were to indulge in it deeper. 

Alrite, I shall end this post and I'll write again next time in shaa Allah. May Allah bless you all & Assalamu'alaikum. 
