PCA 2013

Hey I just found out Andrew Garfield's mom is an English woman. God his accent is so sexy. No surprises there. And I'm obsessed with "Stonefield" right now. I'm not talking about that particular band by the way. I'm talking bout Emma & Andrew.  I had even abandoned my schedule for today just to go on Youtube and search them. Heh I need help.

Alright enough about that. Oh wait one more thing. Have you seen Emma on The Ellen DeGeneres Show? And I just watched Andrew dancing. LOL it was hilarious! And Emma imitated him! Hee it was so cute.

Okay seriously I'll stop talking bout them. 

Now, I just found out who the winners of People's Choice Awards were. Well actually, I found out yesterday but I was too lazy to blog about it. 

Most of the results were quite, well, unexpected. To me at least. I mean, I really thought Twihards wouldn't win, but hey. They did. I didn't really mind that they did. What was - and still is- bothering me was that Emma & Andrew didn't win Favorite On-Screen Chemistry award. I mean, they're also an off-screen couple. How can they not win? And Peeniss and Galeniss won?! No offence to the shippers but seriously? They won? Just, wow. Never thought there were people who could stand love triangle dramas. 

I'm so so so relieved Gangnam Style didn't win Favorite Music Video award. Otherwise I'll throw a fit for two weeks straight. I don't hate it, really. Just annoyed. He won too many awards already so bleh. 

And Emma Watson won Favorite Dramatic Movie Actress award! I'm so proud of her! *Tears up* 

I was hoping Selenators and Potterheads would win but whatever. They won in my hearts. Well not the fans. Wait what? Nevermind. It doesn't make sense, even to me. 

Anyway, I'm kinda happy The Lucky One didn't win Favorite Dramatic Movie award cause, well, it wasn't that good. I mean, it's good. But not that good. Just my opinion. I was hoping The Vow would win tho. But The Perks Of Being a Wallflower's okay I guess. 

Oooh, Leverage won Favorite Cable TV Drama award! I really thought Pretty Little Liars would win. But they didn't. And Leverage did. And it made me so proud to be a fan. Lol what? Okay. 

And Taylor Swift won Favorite Country Artist award again! After the Haylor article, most Swifties left. I thought she wouldn't win the award because of that crap so it made me even more proud when she did win. So congratulations Taylor! 

I still can't believe The Avengers and its casts didn't win any award. Well if you don't count Robert Downey Jr. that is. But he's representing The Iron Man. GRR ScarJo and Emma Stone lost to Jennifer Lawrence! Sheesh, whatever. And I'm pissed The Amazing Spiderman casts didn't win any. Like, GOSH THG GTH. Yeah I despise it that much. With the exception of Peeta Mellark and Glimmer of course. But Emma won two awards last year so I'm not that pissed off. 

I find this picture funny. Man, is Josh really that short? Kinda remind me of the Golden Trio of Harry Potter. One of the differences is, the other one was so much better. But yeah. I had to post this. And goodness I love Liam's eyes, despite my lack of support towards The Hunger Games. 

Until then, adios! 

Nothing serious.

Hiya guys! 

 Today was hot. As in sultry hot. 
It's awesome how this year and the last, our class had air conditioner for decorative purpose ONLY. What other purposes were there if they weren't functioning properly anyway? Oh the love the school gives us. You know what they say, love is painful. In case the sarcasm was unnoticed, I didn't mean what I said. 

How hard would it be to make a schedule and print it? Students in most schools or all schools got their timetable within the first week of school. We're not getting any younger here so with all due respect, please hurry the hell up and give us our timetable. 

I know you probably just want us to be a better person but pressurizing is not exactly the smartest method. So chill.

How could they end a teacher's contract without being able to find immediate replacement?! Don't they realize the oral starts in March?! As in, in two months to three months time?! Would it kill us all if you just renew their contracts?! I'm not arguing with your decision--wait I am arguing but you can't just send them away! They're good teachers, man! Think about others you stupid selfish whoever you are! Are you sure you don't need a screw for your brain? Or a screw driver to tighten any loose screws?! Gosh where is Voldemort when you need him to kill. Ugh, sorry can't help it. Too frustrated. Beyond frustrated really. 

That will be all. There will be further complaining on how bad - no, horrible- the office 's managements are. Until then, goodbye. 

Thirst for attention

Hello! So I've been doing some research on humans' desires for attention - and by research I mean bombarding my cousins with questions they reluctantly answered due to my constant pestering. Anyway, I've learnt that teenagers tend to make silly and ridiculous agenda just to catch someone's attention. Have you ever been in such situation as this? The funny thing is we would only feel the embarrassment of doing childish scenes after we've done it. Even worse, we seem to have caught the certain person's attention in a wrong way. In other words, they'll see you as a bad influence. Ain't that frustrating? We would seem to forget about the world whilst chasing someone's attention. Most people don't particularly appreciate attention while others enjoy it. Attention can be nice, when the atttraction is positive. Otherwise it is dreadful. In she-who-must-not-be-named's case, she absolutely hates attention unless it's her certain someone's. She does unthinkable things when it comes to getting his attention. Frankly this phenomenon is quite common among teenagers. So tell me, have you ever had thirst for attention, especially from a special someone, and you can't seem to realise what you are doing in order to soothe the said thirst? If so, you should talk about it with someone you truly trust. It would make you feel better in some ways. I wanted to elaborate this topic further, unfortunately my laptop got confiscated so I'm using iPad which is very uncomfortable and annoying because it keeps changing my sentence. Damn you autocorrect!P Plus I can't remember the rest of the questions and I saved the softcopy on my lappy. Ugh. And I just can't seem to wait til March to post this. Before I start rambling on how bad my day went, I think it's best for all of us if I just end this post here. So, goodbye!

Punishment encouraged by a grudge

Hey you. 
It's been awhile. A lot of things had been happening around here. Oh who am I kidding. Life's been dull. 

It was just the third day of school and we already got punished. Must be some kind of record in my whole twelve years of school. Awesome. Pfft. 

We were wrong, yes. We should be punished, yes. But do you have to tell the whole world about it? Would it hurt you to just keep it to yourself? I mean, what good would it do if you advertise our faults? Did you ever think that it would make matters worse? Students could rebel you know. 

Why do you hate us so much anyway? Was it because of the call? Hah. Do you feel threatened? Cause if you do, don't. Well, don't be IF you're innocent. Do you feel guilty? Were you afraid of losing your title? Double Hah. 

If you could just be so gentle then you should not have felt silly insecurities. How did you achieve the title in the first place anyway? No offence but you seem to be overstepping the other nominees. But whatever. The thing is you need to respect your students' pride and dignity. You can't just go around using that ill-mannered mouth of yours to abuse and embarrass them. That is so wrong in so many levels. I'm sure you're aware of our Prophet's order not to humiliate others. You are a religious teacher, aren't you? 

I see there's no use in furthering this story. You won't understand the whole situation anyway. 

Alrightie then. Goodbye. 
