Nothing serious.

Hiya guys! 

 Today was hot. As in sultry hot. 
It's awesome how this year and the last, our class had air conditioner for decorative purpose ONLY. What other purposes were there if they weren't functioning properly anyway? Oh the love the school gives us. You know what they say, love is painful. In case the sarcasm was unnoticed, I didn't mean what I said. 

How hard would it be to make a schedule and print it? Students in most schools or all schools got their timetable within the first week of school. We're not getting any younger here so with all due respect, please hurry the hell up and give us our timetable. 

I know you probably just want us to be a better person but pressurizing is not exactly the smartest method. So chill.

How could they end a teacher's contract without being able to find immediate replacement?! Don't they realize the oral starts in March?! As in, in two months to three months time?! Would it kill us all if you just renew their contracts?! I'm not arguing with your decision--wait I am arguing but you can't just send them away! They're good teachers, man! Think about others you stupid selfish whoever you are! Are you sure you don't need a screw for your brain? Or a screw driver to tighten any loose screws?! Gosh where is Voldemort when you need him to kill. Ugh, sorry can't help it. Too frustrated. Beyond frustrated really. 

That will be all. There will be further complaining on how bad - no, horrible- the office 's managements are. Until then, goodbye. 


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