
Okay it has been four months since I last updated. Obviously I was busy. 

My life had been attending a non-stop exam festivals. It was fun. Note the sweet, sweet sarcasm.

My June result was unexpected. But really I keep asking myself what is the point of taking June? People say it's for preparing ourselves for Nov but srsly? I don't think it works. Like, both the Malay orals in June and Qualifying had different format than in Nov. AND IT WAS UNEXPECTED LIKE WTH. Ofc I didn't do so well. I panicked ok. I had the reading oral first and I didn't do well either becos I was SO distracted. Like really distracted. So my hopes were crushed becos I knew I couldn't count on the other papers. But I thought coolly answering the questions for the second part of the oral would help. And suddenly the teacher just told me to talk about the fricking economy for a full 5 minutes. Meh I kept repeating my points and did some pretty exaggerated hand gestures. It must be really hard for the examiner not to laugh. What did I tell you? June and Qualifyings did not prepare us for what was coming in Nov. And even worse, this friend of mine - who would very much likely be one of the top students to receive LOTS OF AWARDS - had to gush on how easy her session went. Okay not exactly gushed but meh. Oh well, who am I to complain. I took it for granted. 

But before that, SPUB ORALS! Maigod my Arabic oral sucked. And the worse part is, right after I stepped out of my oral session, I had thousands of sentences to share. Too bad. My Quran didn't go so well either. Gosh I practiced for like...a week for that. And that's a record. For the longest period of revision. Ha ha. 

AND THE WRITTEN EXAMS WERE EVEN WORSE! I can't remember having to exit the hall feeling ecstatic. Only worry, irate and the urge to cry. Well I did cry. Oh Allah please let my results be excellent! 

And now I'm in the middle of the Olevel exams. Yet here I am blogging. It's unbelievable how un-seriously I'm taking this exam! It's scary me tbh! I hate it. It's weird. Like I've spent most of my time playing Typer shark. Stupid game, and now I'm blogging. And I'm pretty sure I'll be signing in Wattpad after this. Really how is this even possible! This isn't me! This really isn't me! 

I need help. Pronto. 


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